If there is no suitable infrastructure, the backbone of society is missing. And tomorrow, it will be the prospects for the future that are missing.
Infrastructure is therefore a massive challenge for all economies and specially since more than 60% of worlds populations will live in Cities by 2030 and congestion and poor air quality has risen over the years.
Everyone needs infrastructure. It is the backbone of our daily supply. Bringing us clean water. Providing modern traffic routes so that goods & people can be transported quickly, efficiently and as ecologically as possible. Supplying sustainable energy. Allowing ever-faster communication technologies. Infrastructure underlying a social system that supports our health and secures the future through education.
As Cities adapt to increase greener mobility measures in accordance with Paris Climate Agreement, advances in technologies also allow us to vertically take to the sky with quiet emission free electric aviation networks being created in towns and cities by Airlift having significant financial, ecological and social impact in the communities we serve. Airlift is deploying safe, aircraft agnostic certified vertiport infrastructure with our partners in towns and cities to facilitate air taxis for passengers and freight use. The certified vertiport networks are being deployed with transport multi-modality, affordability, equitable access and convenience in mind for all users.
The Airlift Global team has been actively working with regulators & government research institutions such as the FAA, NASA and CAA and also pioneering cities across the globe to overcome associated infrastructure challenges, thus enabling certification standardisaton. These aviation & network infra challenges include zoning requirements, conditional-use permitting process (Planning, Acoustic & Public Perception), building and fire code, power grid alignments, charging infrastructure, cybersecurity and operating standardisation.
Interested to know more about the Airlift electric future flight mobility and vertiport network infrastructure development? Lets connect and start the conversation..